Friday, February 05, 2010

SoulCare- more than just an investment

Why invest in South Africa?
South Africa has:
1) Strong economic outlook
2) Stable trade agreements
3) Straight forward purchasing agreements
4) No foreign ownership agreements
5) Large Capital Appreciation
6) High Demands and Yields
7) Favourable Taxes and closing costs
8) Eco friendly developments via Soulcare Business plan

Investors that wish to align their principals with profit investing in ethically minded products. SOULCARE is the leader in projects with humanitarian, bio diversity & environmental benefits.

SOULCARE is tackling issues like, climate change, developing world poverty and renewable energy. We are bringing affordable communication and payment solutions to the people.

Investment is available in many categories:
1stly the most important:
1) ISP & Mobile for
Affordable communication and financial transactions on a daily basis

2) Agricultural

The demand of agricultural fertile group is increasing daily with the daily population growth of more than 2.4%. That’s over 2500 extra people per day that needs proper nutrition in South Africa only.
For every one percent growth in agriculture, poverty declines as much as 2%. Many of the poverty and hungry living in rural areas depend on farming for income, home and money. By investing in agriculture the locals benefits directly “World Bank”

3) Transport
Alternative environmentally transport for sustainable living
Less GHG in the air. Roadworthiness and safer travel

4) Foreign and local tourism
Explore the world and recharge and rejuvenate
We have some of the most diverse plant, bird, wildlife and bio diverse ecosystems in the world

5) Recycling, energy, fuel
All of these categories need to change the way the world is looking at it
Alternative natural ways are there to be used and put into place to save the world and man.

Help us make a difference in all people’s hearts and minds by investing into SOULCARE. THE FUTURE OF THE WORLD

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