Monday, April 23, 2007

Disaster decade prompts UN to expand rescue system

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Posted by Ninja T. Penguin
Posted by Ninja T. Penguin
(Robin Pomeroy - Rueters Alertnet).

BRINDISI, Italy, April 22 (Reuters) - Wars in Africa, Afghanistan and Iraq, a huge tsunami, earthquakes and famines -- it has been a busy decade for the rescue business. So much so, the U.N. has decided to expand its emergency service.

Since 2000, the United Nations Humanitarian Response Depot (UNHRD) had been based in a corner of a military base near the southern Italian port of Brindisi.

For many people fleeing conflicts and disasters, the first aid they received was flown out from an 80-year-old corrugated iron shed stocked to the rafters with tents, blankets generators, water purification machines and food rations.

"Our raison d'etre is to intervene as quickly as possible in an emergency, because getting there a few hours earlier means saving more...

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