Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Tsunami Radiation Sickness Raises Suspicions

Random Gallery PhotoOklahoma Tornado, 1981
Oklahoma Tornado, 1981
Posted by Ninja T. Penguin
Posted by Ninja T. Penguin
(David Icke -

Suddenly, thousands of people in several East African countries and of the Arabian Peninsula have begun to fall sick with what the United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) says is radiation sickness brought on by the tsunami.

Men, women, and chilren of all ages are experiencing the horrible woes of nuclear aftermath, including sudden ear, nose, and mouth bleeds, internal hemorrhages and other symptoms of radiation sickness, according to a UNEP report named "After the Tsunami: Rapid Environmental Assessment", released in March.  Hundreds of villages and towns in the Horn of Africa dependant on well water are now without a source of potable water due to contamination caused by radioactive material surfacing in water tables. Widespread cancer now threatens...

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