Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Get an inverter, South Africa

Koeberg Power station in Cape Town is running on half power, placing the South African grid that supplies us with power under severe pressure.

Eskom carried out a "controlled shutdown" of Unit 2 at the Koeberg nuclear power station on Monday night because of a technical fault in the electricity generating side.

Unplanned maintenance work had to start on Monday night.

Eskom says:

"We ask to all South Africans to conserve electricity during this period. A concerted effort to decrease consumption will reduce the risk of load-shedding (blackouts)."

Get an inverter.I am running a network of 2 computers, my DSTV, television,my ASDL modem, my radio,scanner/copier/fax, a fan and a lamp. The inverter is a quick to install, QUIET system that works off any 12 V battery.

You can install it in your vehicle or attach it to a battery with a charger.
We need power to run a business or to survive in the modern world we live in.
Contact silverguru@silverguru. today for your quote.

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Update: 2008-07-20 02:36:19

Random Gallery PhotoSerenity
Posted by Ninja T. Penguin

Recent Significant Earthquakes
Network: USGS
2008-07-15 03:266.435.982527.785468.4Dodecanese Islands, Greece
2008-07-14 04:445.52.271496.596949.3Simeulue, Indonesia
2008-07-13 17:335.0-21.5349-67.963835.0Potosi, Bolivia
2008-07-13 14:586.121.0174121.098310.0Taiwan region
2008-07-12 08:425.1-10.7328161.670572.7Solomon Islands
2008-07-12 00:085.0-45.7246167.2534115.4South Island of New Zealand
2008-07-12 00:085.0-45.7246167.2534115.4South Island of New Zealand
2008-07-12 00:015.151.6062-176.382363.0Andreanof Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
2008-07-12 00:015.151.6062-176.382363.0Andreanof Islands, Aleutian Islands, Alaska
2008-07-11 21:455.021.0978121.157610.0Taiwan region

Recent Significant Earthquakes
Network: EMSC
Recent Volcanic Activity
2008-07-14 09:1053.430-168.130RedOkmokAleutian Is.
2008-07-07 16:01-19.520169.430OrangeYasurSo. Pacific
2008-07-07 16:0138.79015.210OrangeStromboliItaly
2008-07-07 16:0156.650161.360OrangeSheveluchKamchatka
2008-07-07 16:0114.760-91.550OrangeSanta MariaGuatemala
2008-07-07 16:01-77.530167.170OrangeMt. ErebusAntarctica
2008-07-07 16:0112.700-87.000OrangeSan CristobalNicaragua
2008-07-07 16:0131.580130.670OrangeSakura-JimaJapan
2008-07-07 16:0137.73015.000OrangeMt. EtnaSicily
2008-07-07 16:01-4.270152.200OrangeRabaulNew Britain

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